Those old so-and-so’s
Ladies, I’m sure by now you’ve learned not to trust a man who would tell you what pigs other men are.
But I’m half woman. For instance, I can’t talk about carburetor exhaust ports for more than 15 seconds without gazing off to reflect on the ritual of such gadget-talk among men, and wonder whether it’s really not as “deep” as talk of emotions (and what, really, is “deep” anyway?).
Of course, I’m also half man, so I’m as sexist as the next fellow. Today it occurred to me as I went grocery-store-searching for just the right kind of fucking brillo-sponge that I often wish I lived in an age when even good husbands didn’t have to worry about sponges.
My woman half is outraged by the sexism on display in this video, and my man half is naively surprised by it.