I've been in Ohio for two weeks of accompanying my dad through some heavy medical tests. I'm heading back to Chicago this morning.
Here's an account of my stay here.
I have mixed feelings about sharing all this, yes.
But hell.
On communication, professional and otherwise.
by David Murray // 6 Comments
I've been in Ohio for two weeks of accompanying my dad through some heavy medical tests. I'm heading back to Chicago this morning.
Here's an account of my stay here.
I have mixed feelings about sharing all this, yes.
But hell.
by David Murray // 4 Comments
As we all chatter about the significance of McCain's so-called campaign suspension, I'm reminded of the greatest parenting advice I ever got.
"There is no such thing as parenting," Chicago paramedic friend Ed Reardon told me before Scout was born. "You know what your kids get? They get you, for 18 years. If you're good, that's good. If you're bad, that's bad."
I don't know who we're going to vote for, but especially thanks to the financial crisis happening in the middle of this campaign, I'm pretty sure we're by November, going to have a pretty good idea of what it is we're going to get.
by David Murray // 7 Comments
The Sail La Vie was heeled over so far to port that I was standing upright on the side of the boat, grasping the big steering wheel as much to stay aboard the thrusting 31-footer as to hold it, with most of my might, at due north. It was a few minutes after midnight on Tuesday, July 22, the third night of the Race to Mackinac. • It was also the 100th running of the race – my first time in any sailing race, and only my second stint on a sailing crew of any kind. • As the rain began to pelt down, and the wind, unbelievably, continued to increase, death didn’t cross my mind, but only because death was an answer, and I only had time for one question: “How did I get here?”
Click here for full article (and photos by the marvelous Bruce Bever).