Wouldn’t you have thought medical diagnosis and treatment would get more clear-cut over time? Quite the opposite, in my lifetime. Seems like we’re going back to the days of the medicine man.
We are now discovering that drugs for one problem work on other problems, even better. Ozempic was made for diabetes but for reasons still unclear, now suddenly it’s a miracle diet drug, if you miraculously have like a thousand dollars a month to pay for it out of pocket.
Meanwhile, I swear, we’re also now inventing diseases in order to justify expensive drugs. The other night, I heard a commercial for a drug called Vabysmo, which cures a malady entitled “Wet AMD.”
I never heard anyone in the 1980s complaining about having “Wet AMD.” Maybe they kept it to themselves?
(Which reminds me of the 1950s baseball pitcher who said he was lucky to have played “before they invented the rotator cuff.”)
We also keep hearing about this drug that helps people who have a disease that causes their eyes to bulge out.
That may not be a disease at all.
My old man used to tell an old joke about a guy whose ears were ringing and his eyes were bulging out. So he went to the doctor and the doctor told him he had only six months to live.
What would he do with his remaining time on earth?
He bought a Rolls Royce. He bought a great big mansion. And then he went to a tailor to get a whole new closet full of expensive suits.
The tailor asked his collar size, and he said fifteen and a half. Tailor didn’t think so, and he got out the tape measure. “You’re sixteen and a half.”
Guy insisted he was fifteen and a half.
Tailor said, “Okay, but if you keep wearing your collars an inch too small, pretty soon your ears’ll be ringing and your eyes’ll be bulging out.”
Not a single peep about viagra?
Only if it helps with Wet AMD.
I could do so much with that; none of it appropriate.
Americans collective allergy to the concept of no, you can’t (eat all of that, have the guy you want as president, buy crap you can’t afford, do or say whatever you want to people who make you uncomfortable) is hard to even conceive of. Particularly if you’re old and it was your generation who was slated to bring everyone out of the dark ages of selfishness, materialism, and general stupidity. Glad Ozempic is helping some people. Sad at what’s been lost getting to the overwhelming need for it.