Maybe you're wise enough to take some downtime between Christmas and New Year's. But it's hard, not doing any work on a staycation. For one thing, work is your only easy escape from your family. Yet, you don't want to cheat yourself by spending your down time toiling for the man.
So do what you ought to do: Spend some quiet time sifting the work you did this year, and look for the very best stuff you produced. The podcast interview that actually made the CEO sound human. The video that made everybody think differently about what the communication department is capable of. The kick-ass pull-quote that made a strategy story irresisble.
Behold those mini-masterpieces, and pat yourself on the back in a constructive way: Enter the stuff into the Magnum Opus Awards (sponsored by my publisher, McMurry), which "recognizes writers, editors, designers and communication managers who do great work in every area of content-delivery in print, online, in traditional media and social media alike."
Go ahead, do a little work over the holidays—but make that work work for you.
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