Overheard on the television, "You don't need to get a phone. You need a phone that gets you."
You can imagine the young copywriter, giving a little fist pump when this polyester line sidled up and introduced itself with a wink.
There's a reason advertising is a kid's game. Grownups can't bring themselves to write stuff like that.
David, last year I gave a presentation to a marketing group on “copy killers.” In my research I found these gems:
“They’re more than just lawyers. They’re real people.” (I actually heard this one on TV.)
“The SUV you never saw coming.” (for Mazda)
And I found these on a website, so I can’t verify that they’re real. Still, they crack me up:
“We put the P in Special!”
“Innovations in Carnival Barking”
“Mmmm … kelp!”
I think I’ve mentioned on this blog that there’s a radio ad around here that describes its offer as “The Biggest No-Brainer in the History of the Universe!”