So the new communication SVP at CBS, Jeff Ballabon, is a a big Republican activist who once said my favorite presidential candidate in the last election "is extremely dangerous."
So what do I do about it? Following my new m.o., I keep my friends close—and I friend my enemies.
"Jeff confirmed you as a friend on Facebook."
So, let me just be sure I have this straight? You’re running around Facebook-world “friending” every Tom, Dick, and Republican you can think of.
Are you doing anything AFTER you’ve friended these people or are you just one of those mad numbers chasers? Because I’m one of your friends on there too, and I actually KNOW you, but I don’t think I’ve have ANY interactions with you there since you accepted my friend request.
This is an interesting phenomenon, this competition to have huge numbers of friends that Facebook seems to create. I keep asking myself: “Then what?” One can’t possibly actually be staying in touch with 2,500-plus friends, so what IS the point of that??
Oh, I’m just having a little fun. My sister and I ARE in a terrible contest to see who gets the most friends. (I’m winning, partly on the strength of my handful of Republican names.)
I do think we have the instinct, these days, to cling together, to have in one handy list all the people we know. This would explain why I’ve gotten more Linkded-In requests in the last two months than in the two years previous, I’d imagine.
I’ve had fun with Facebook. But I don’t have time to send people “pokes” and beers and all that other jazz. I do want to start integrating this blog with the Huffington Post stuff I’m doing and Facebook.
You know, just to keep me out of trouble, and off of Twitter.
Hm, I was unaware you had a Facebook Dave. I may have to look you up sometime, or you I. Good way to keep in touch don’t you know.
Jonathan, I can’t find you out there, there’s a lot of Jonathan Meyers. Can you find me?