Please, please, please, please.
I can deal with any number of more wake-up-calls, ends-of-the-day, raisings-of-the-bar and takings-of-it-to-the-next-level.
But I can't take one more "gets it," as in "these CEOs just don't get it," or "this CEO clearly gets it."
Gets fucking WHAT? If you can't articulate "it," how do you expect the CEO to know what you're talking about.
Well get this: I dismiss anybody who says "gets it" immediately as a second-rate mind that divides the world into people who are born agreeing with his or her precious point of view and other people, who "just don't get it."
Joan H. says
David, you just don’t get me! Dammit! And of ALL the people in the world, I thought you did!
I don’t get it. My world is collapsing. I thought my precious point of view WAS the only one worth considering.
I needed your rant this afternoon. It spared me having one of my own, and brought me a much-needed smile.