I'm tired of Fran Lebowitz having all the good quotes.
"Ask your child what he wants for dinner only if he's buying."
"My favorite animal is steak."
"Life is something to do when you can't get to sleep."
I could have said that stuff.
"Everybody wants to be famous. Haven't they noticed? Not even famous people are famous. I read the New York Times obits to meet new people." —David Murray
"If we aren't magnanimous in our judgement of our young selves, how can we expect our young selves to be magnanimous with us?" —David Murray
"Our essential responsibility as personal and organizational communicators is not to spoon out information slowly to babies with weak digestion systems. Rather, it’s to try desperately to keep up, verbally, with the massive flow of unvarnished truth that our behavior is sending, and that our family, friends and colleagues are receiving every day." —David Murray
"Share your emotions only with those with whom you'd willingly share your money—and then, only in the same amounts." —David Murray
I'm so humble that those four are all I can think of! Can you believe that? Come on. Who else can remember some great quotes of mine?
Or, if you absolutely cannot think of any Quotable Me, how about Quotable You?