The service guy over at Subaru told me my power steering and my differential fluid are "seeping."
So I should fix them? I asked.
You could, he suggested, weakly.
Letting me come to the conclusion,
I should probably just get a new car.
Because my old one is seeping?
When I was in my teens I never cried. (Even though my mother was a sometimes-suicidal alcoholic, my parents were divorcing and I went to drug treatment.)
When I was in my twenties I cried maybe once a year. (One year, my mother died.)
When I was in my thirties I cried maybe once a month. (Kramer vs. Kramer.)
Now, like a rheumy-eyed wet-brain, I cry almost every day—
"At card tricks, at supermarket openings," the old man says.
Sometimes over something as plain as a tired old car.
Someday soon it won't be crying at all.
Just seeping.
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