A Chicago writer I know was galavanting across Europe last month and posting photos of every goddamn Venice gondola ride he took and every three-hour duck-munch he had in Paris. Fuck him.
For the same reason, I don't post copious numbers of photos of my own good fortune on Facebook, unless they at least they might be amusing on a theme other than, "David Murray Is a Lucky Bastard."
So, just from a recent trip to Florida:
I would not post a picture of myself on a boat, looking ridiculously handsome and commanding.
But Scout earnestly blowing up her first whoopie cushion on the couch is in.
Me drinking a massive $16 bloody Mary at Matanzas on the Bay restaurant that includes a lobster tail—that's on the edge.
Some people can't afford to go on vacation—this spring, this year or ever. Some people are on a crushing deadline. Some people's water heater blew up last night while they were sleeping and drowned the furnace and then everything froze.
You know that, right? So if you're going to post your vacation pics, I think you owe it to the permanently or temporarily less fortunate to at least post pictures with entertainment value.
Don't you agree?
Mark Fellows says
Agree, and same for bragging on children’s accomplishments, posting food and pet pix, and anything remotely approaching politics. If you can’t keep it entertaining, at least keep it scarce.
David Murray says
And if you can’t keep it scarce, figure out how to be more entertaining.
Jason says
This is like going to a bar and complaining that people are drinking too much.
David Murray says
So in the way that a bar is primarily a place to drink, Facebook is primarily a place for ostentatious displays of personal good fortune?
Jason says
Pretty much, yes
Jason says
And arguing with dillholes about Trump
David Murray says
I’m not going to try to win an argument against guy confident enough to throw around “dillholes.” But we actually CAN stop being such dillholes on Facebook. We can make Facebook great again: one dillhole at a time.
David Murray says