A friend wrote to ask, “Not sure if you are interested in writing for free, but blahblah gas whoosh puff waaaaaaaaaaa, pffffffffttttttt monkeypooh kadinkkadonk plopplopfizzfizz murgatroyd andaoneandatwo and aonetwo three braaaaaaap! Sertaperfectsleeper, googly, googly, googly.”
Sue Horner says
An excellent rant! Did you send the link as a response?
David Murray says
Nah, I didn’t, Sue. The person who asked me is too nice, didn’t mean any harm, wouldn’t have benefited personally from my free writing, didn’t deserve the rant … but conceivably could see this post on Facebook, I suppose!
suki says
If I were still in the theatre, I would do this as an audition monologue.
Jay Coleman says
Some people misinterpret the term FREElance.