True story, names withheld.
A young, dashing young professional soccer hopeful destroys his knee at the cusp of a professional tryout.
He still wants to make his life in soccer, but he's penniless. He works as shirtless bartender in gay bar to raise money to start youth soccer club in a nice part of town that has none.
He starts the club, teams up with a neighborhood booster to build up club, which charges the relatively well-heeled parents $2,000 a year.
The club grows, eventually needing to raise more funds and build broad support for ambitious international soccer tournament and other big plans, and suddenly—like magic it appears!—a new tagline, on every piece of club correspondence: "Changing the Lives of Children Through Soccer."
Hey, I understand the impulse. I run a fee-based organization too, you know. And I realize that the more altruistic you can make the organization sound, the more stuff your organization gets for free, and the more you can lean on people for volunteer help!
In fact, you really should join—or donate $100 to—the Professional Speechwriters Association: "Curing ALS Through Rhetoric."
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