Hi David,
Did you have any interest in talking to Kimberly Kreines about winning the 2011 Writers Boot Camp First Year Development Deal for her screenplay, Shifted, adapted from her science fiction novel entitled Seer?
Wisneski will spend the next six-to-twelve months working in collaboration with WBC staff and faculty as well as the development partner, revising and editing her screenplay for the big screen.
She’d be happy to discuss!
Yeah, I bet she'd be happy to discuss, I grumbled as I hit delete.
Rueben says
Why do so many crap PR people who do crap like this manage to make a living at it? Seriously, this kind of stuff happens way too often. My wife used to host a radio talk show and she was inundated with stupid pitches and releases from PR people who clearly had no clue what her show was about. And then there was the New York PR firm that sent her an advance copy of a book that was irrelevant to her and she had to pay the shipping charges. The good people in PR need to launch a campaign against the bad.
David Murray says
Crap PR people exist because of blissfully imbecilic clients, who believe that if they just had the e-mail addresses of a few hundred reporters, they’d soon be on the Today Show with Matt Lauer. So they hire someone who has those addresses, and they wait (and wait) for their ship to come in. There are enough dumb clients to keep these PR mopes in business. And so it goes.
Robert J Holland, ABC says
The first principle of a news release I taught my PR students this semester: consider your audience (journalists) and then consider their audience. This one does neither. All it considers is the client.