I'm on an information diet, refusing to read anything about Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin, no matter how tantalyzing the item. This is the intellectual equiavalent of empty calories!
But the temptation! Today, I'm reading the Chicago Tribune website to see how the local election is going.
"Rush Limbaugh criticizes Michelle Obama's weight"
My mouse arm actually twitched. I almost had to use the other arm to stop it from clicking.
But click I did NOT.
I have no idea what Limbaugh said. Maybe he said she was too heavy, maybe he said she was too light, maybe he expressed annoyance that she was just right. I don't know because I didn't read it!
For my self restraint, I think I'll reward myself with an early cocktail.
Dimitri says
Congratulations. I’m going to have to beer to celebrate your restraint.
Ron Shewchuk says
That’s the first time I’ve heard the word beer used as a verb. Am I out of the loop?
Joan H. says
It’s an Alaskan usage, Ron, also favored in the Yukon. “I beered myself up before taking the snow machine out to the pike fishing contest.” You get the idea.