Scout had a writing assignment today in kindergarten. She had to write about a feeling. She told the truth and told it straight:
"I am mad that I have lice."
And as if THAT wasn’t maddening enough, her blasted father decided to go on that blog of his, and share her travails with the whole durn world!!!
Nice, David!! Real nice!
My rather limited personal experience is that mothers go particularly bonkers over this lice business, and employ exotic chemicals and home remedies such as slathering mayonnaise over kids’ heads. Meanwhile, fathers minimize and urge calm, making cracks about calling the house, “The Mayo Clinic.”
Mothers are not amused.
Fathers are in trouble.
Kids feel justifiably nit-picked.
And nobody’s happy, until order is restored.
What a lede she wrote! She’s going to be a writer, like her Da.
Il fait souffrir pour d’etre belle. And also souffrir to have good stuff to put in her memoirs, which may one day win a major literature award. So you can tell her this lice experience isn’t all in vain.
Yeah, that is some Hemingway magic, isn’t it?
In fact, she recently remarked of Hem, “Poor Ernest. Does he really think big emotions come from two-syllable words?”
The Green family missed last year’s extended family Thanksgiving celebration because of a VERY minor lice outbreak in Samantha’s hair. Your experience sounds quite similar to mine.
There were repeated trips to CVS for exotic treatments. We washed, literally, every stuffed animal/sheet/piece of clothing in our entire house. And my efforts to make light of the situation were not particularly well received.
Kristen says
And as if THAT wasn’t maddening enough, her blasted father decided to go on that blog of his, and share her travails with the whole durn world!!!
Nice, David!! Real nice!
Kate Zimmerman says
Ew, lice — have had them roar through the house on several occasions. WORST. NON-FATAL. PLAGUE. EVER.
David Murray says
My rather limited personal experience is that mothers go particularly bonkers over this lice business, and employ exotic chemicals and home remedies such as slathering mayonnaise over kids’ heads. Meanwhile, fathers minimize and urge calm, making cracks about calling the house, “The Mayo Clinic.”
Mothers are not amused.
Fathers are in trouble.
Kids feel justifiably nit-picked.
And nobody’s happy, until order is restored.
amy says
What a lede she wrote! She’s going to be a writer, like her Da.
Il fait souffrir pour d’etre belle. And also souffrir to have good stuff to put in her memoirs, which may one day win a major literature award. So you can tell her this lice experience isn’t all in vain.
David Murray says
Yeah, that is some Hemingway magic, isn’t it?
In fact, she recently remarked of Hem, “Poor Ernest. Does he really think big emotions come from two-syllable words?”
Jason says
The Green family missed last year’s extended family Thanksgiving celebration because of a VERY minor lice outbreak in Samantha’s hair. Your experience sounds quite similar to mine.
There were repeated trips to CVS for exotic treatments. We washed, literally, every stuffed animal/sheet/piece of clothing in our entire house. And my efforts to make light of the situation were not particularly well received.
amy says
I think we can expect great things of our Scout.
Can you give her a guest blog?