The International Association of Business Communicators is holding its annual International Conference this week, and I'm sorry not to be there to this year to cheer, jeer, leer, loathe and fear.
But an hour spent gaping at the conference Twitter stream felt so amazingly like being there that I was inspired to turn some key tweets into a poem, to take you there with me.
Overheard from Lyndon Cao's session on China: "White cat, black cat — whichever catches the mouse is the good cat."
make predictions that come true! You might be wrong 50% of the time but you will be right 50% of the time!!
BJ Fogg's session is fantastic — and his dog, Millie, and monkey, Bongo, are adorable.
One more fashion note shout-out to @JamaalOmar for the yellow tie/purple sweater combo.
How to get a seat at the table—you're the person who says "what's next"
How do I get a seat at the table—be prepared to make suggestions to move the process forward.
How do I get a seat at the table—management doesn't want cowards at the table!
How do I get a seat at the table—management is done in real time—decisions are made in real time – advice needed On the Spot!
How do I get a seat at the table—if all problems are manageent problems – then all problems are leadership problems
How to get a seat at the table – #iabc09 – negativity is not strategic
How do I get a seat at the table— if all you have offer at table is comm, you won't get traction at the table
Communicators shouldn't want a seat at the table, they should want to set the table.
when it comes to the getting to the table – you are the table!!
seems unanimous [COO] Brian Dunn and Best Buy Comms team rock stars in industry.
Who doesn't want to work for Best Buy now? Their leadership rox!
Best Buy comm team is 70 people strong
After two general sessions I now want to work for Cisco & Best Buy!
best buy writes fake stories for employee news site for fun
Why don't hotels – especially downtown SF luxury hotels – just do all-over free wifi? It's 2009 people, connect me!
people walking out of session while gen y speaker talking…
listen to employees: if u engage ur resources, then u will have better resources 2 engage
Global Comm session at IABC conf. Authenticity rules
Is it just me or does all this talk about being authentic seem inauthentic?
Mixed message: Angela Sinickas prohibits tweating during her session. A blow to #iabc09 social media creds
I am the table? Ummm…ya…sure…please tell me you added that one, David.
Twitter makes me want to hide in my garden and never come out. It was the last technological straw. I’m breaking. Even without participating, I can’t escape it, and it’s just too much technology. I’m convinced that ultimately it’ll just be spam. Remember when email began, how you only got one from someone you knew and wanted to talk to? And now you can barely find those among the spam and the chatter and the inane “copy/reply all” crap? It’s a barrage, and I’m now shell-shocked.
A dog, a monkey, a yellow tie and purple sweater, and 18 ways to sneak up to a table for leadership that “rox”.
@Rueben:Nope. (I’m no Auden either.)
@Joan: My sister.
Talk about authenticity — how about folks on the conference speaking circuit learn to speak simply, clearly and with real words instead of always climbing on the jargon/catchphrase bandwagon? “A seat at the table” and all its metaphorical descendants are so ’80s. I’ve been as guilty as anyone in the past, but attend enough conferences and you too can be cured.
So right, Robert. The very idea of this long, mahogany “table,” where top management gathers solemnly to make decisions … to get a seat at the table, one would have to travel back in time!
And these days, a tweet at table is more like it ….
Twitter makes me want to be a plumber.
Chuck B., this is the best sentence I can ever recall appearing on Writing Boots.
You’d make good money and get to show a little skin…wait, that sounds like the Full Monty.