Working his way through the first draft of a school assignment, the young son of my friend Paul apparently began to realize his ideas were too pithy for the page requirement.
And he began to pad, at one point writing, "As I said near the end of my last paragraph …."
Steve C. says
The kid has a future in HR . . .
Steve C.
Steve C. says
The kid has a future in HR . . .
Steve C.
Susan says
Or as a corporate executive…
David Murray says
Or as a literary scholar.
Ron Shewchuk says
Or as a humorist.
Joan H. says
I’m with Susan–he has CEO written all over him. Especially if he was promoted out of IT.
Eileen B. says
I love this kid!
Ron Shewchuk says
He reminds me of my own 14-year-old son. Too self-conscious for his own good, but funny as hell as he uses sarcasm to deal with the increasingly irritating and demanding world around him.
Joe Engleman says
If only I could write like that/
David Murray says
Joe, writers lose their linguistic facility with age, and you are nearly 17.
nancy carney says
you sure are cute!! aunt nan