This will bore 97 percent of you and mesmerize 3 percent, like it mesmerized me. That’s a number I can live with.
Cindy Hutchinsonsays
Speaking as a member of the 3%, it’s hard to pick a favorite aspect of this charming video. Aside from all the cool cars in the parking lots, I’d have to go with the fact that the women running the registers used one hand to pick up the item on the conveyor belt and look at the price sticker, then with the other hand they deftly punched the bulky keys on the register to enter the price. Over and over and over. I wondered how many ended up with carpal tunnel syndrome.
Speaking as a member of the 3%, it’s hard to pick a favorite aspect of this charming video. Aside from all the cool cars in the parking lots, I’d have to go with the fact that the women running the registers used one hand to pick up the item on the conveyor belt and look at the price sticker, then with the other hand they deftly punched the bulky keys on the register to enter the price. Over and over and over. I wondered how many ended up with carpal tunnel syndrome.