My friend, and the PSA's resident writing coach Mike Long, says that human beings are just "wet machines," who do most things automatically and reflexively.
As an example, he remembers a long article he was working on when his computer went down. He lost the whole thing. He sat and cried. And then he started over, and rewrote it. Later, when he somehow recovered the original document, he found the articles were remarkably similar. His brain had simply retraced the steps.
Similarly: Pro Rhetoric, LLC recently signed our COO Benjamine Knight to her fourth annual agreement. I sent her the inked PDF with the subject line, "Signed, sealed, delivered—I'm yours!"
She replied, ":D you say that EVERY year ;)"
And she reproduced the one from 2017, where I'd said, "Here’s our agreement, signed, sealed and delivered. (I’m yours.)"
So I thought I'd throw in a little extra sauce this time, and send her a Link to the Stevie Wonder song.
She replied, "And every year, I listen!"
And next year, I'll forget again.
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