Every once in awhile, somebody gets stoned to the absolute bejeepers and submits something to Vital Speeches. It's not a speech, because it was never delivered anywhere. So I can't use it. But I always enjoy reading it, because it's almost as good as getting stoned myself. Have yourself a hit:
What I’m about to say is a basic logical principle of a conscious mind that exists for unknown reasons. I’m not going to tell you what to do with your life, I’m going to tell you what to do with your body. Start with an imagination. I want you to Imagine as I go along, Imagine as best as you can. Imagine, if you were born the first person on this earth. Now, I want you to close your eyes and picture it slowly. Very Slowly. You are born the first person on this earth. Your body opens your eyes and you have no idea, not even an idea of an idea. Slowly, you start to observe, adapt and progress. You have no language, no science, no religion, and no name. After some years, there comes the second person, same features but different design. Now, jump forward today, what difference you see? What do you realise you’ve been putting your attention to that you shouldn’t have. Everything in this world today, from the clouds to a drop of wine had to be there, everything there is, it had to be there. The history caused it. Lands were divided, that divided the origins, religions, languages, perspectives, and structures. Ask yourself, how much unnecessary stress you put in these stupid topics today. To be a human, you don’t need to think about it. You don’t need to care about what you have been raised caring about anymore. It will be hard, but again, you don’t need to think about it. You don’t need to think about that you need to think about it. And if you do think about it, take it as a phase, a situation, a short story of emotions that won’t affect your future. And then, try to change your surroundings. There is a lot on this planet to study, and before that there is a lot to study inside us and then there is the outside world. Choose one, anyone you choose, you will contribute in every sector. You will be a help, you will be the reason for anything achieved by humanity. Focus if you are distracted. Change if you are addicted. When you forget what you just read, you will become a human.
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