Thanks to my speechwriter pal Boe Workman, who sent me a wonderful hand-selected Frank Sinatra compilation that he made his friends for the holidays, I've been listening to the Chairman a lot. It does my heart good, and my late father's late heart good, to hear Scout singing "Fly Me to the Moon" as she makes her oatmeal in the morning.
Boe's CD begins with this ridiculously 1974 introduction of a Sinatra show at Madison Square Garden.
"This is so cheesy!" Scout shouted over the roar of the crowd.
"Never attack a thing at its strength!" I thundered, and started thinking I'd like to be introduced this way at the next speechwriting event …
That would be brilliant! In fact, fly me in and I’ll do the intro for you – I’m no Cosell, but I’d wear the blue ruffled shirt.
Done. It’s the 60-piece orchestra that’s going to cost.