Bad news is, though you're getting a break from Writing Boots over the holidays, there's homework. Good news is, you can do the homework beside this Relaxing Fireplace with Perfect Crackling Fire.
Here's the homework: Give your inner political pundit the holiday off. Not forever. Just for this holiday. Just to show people you care. Just to see if you can.
Stop haranguing people about the environment, the size of government, the proper approach to defeating ISIS, male privilege, which lives matter, labor union rules, OSHA regulations, the importance of term limits, concussions in pro football and what an absolute fucking bastard Donald Trump is. (Gotcha last!)
Whatever your hobby-horse issues, we've heard you talk about them a lot by now, and we expect to hear much more next year—an election year, after all.
But nothing's really happening this week, so give us a week off! Give yourself a week off! Give Donald Trump a week off!
It won't be easy, because bellowing about political matters is an emotionally safe way of venting personal feelings.
But kick away the crutch, Tiny Tim, and rediscover all the other things there are to talk about.
Be a loving and beloved family member, not a guest on Hardball.
This holiday season, be with the people—not the pundits—that you love.
David Murray
P.S. While I'm at it, Happy New Year, from a guy who knows how to have one.
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