You know how the Plains Indians were known for using every part of the buffalo? Well, the same is true for daily bloggers. Which is why you're about to read …
People talk about the sense of freedom you feel, riding a motorcycle. They also about the good fuel economy you get—50 miles to the gallon! And of course the ease of parking.
But one under-appreciated aspect of motorcycling is: When you arrive on a motorcycle, it's OK to have messy hair.
Why? Because people think that your hair is messy not from laziness and neglect, the usual aspects of our personalities we mask by combing our hair. No, when you show up with crazy motorcycle hair, they attribute your tangles to opposite causes—adventure, forward movement and a grab-life-by-the-nuts attitude!
(And they think this even on days when it really is bed head.)
Again: Not a huge deal. Just one of the under-appreciated benefits of motorcycling. And a quick little post for a Monday morning.
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