One recent evening, my longtime communication correspondent and friend Shel Holtz issued a challenge to his Facebook friends: "Upworthy-style headlines applied to normal, boring, mundane, everyday life. Go."
He primed the pump with an item of his own. "I took the wrong suit on a business trip. You won't believe what happened next."
What happened next was, we learned that another longtime correspondent and friend, Ron Shewchuk, is an Upworthy idiot savant.*
Within minutes, Ron had written:
NSFW Check out the reaction of this child after her father farts at the dinner table.
Watch as this unsuspecting teen opens a 10-week-old container of leftover lasagna.
Swearing dad tears apart house looking for car keys. You'll never guess where he left them!
Eight everyday household items that are surefire cures for incontinence.
Check out this GIF of the cutest silverfish you'll ever see!
Check out these six ways your wife says you can improve your contribution to the household chores.
You'll never guess what this wife stuffed in her husband's nose to stop his snoring!
This man caught a baby raccoon with its head in a garbage bag. What happens next will break your heart.
You've never seen a pile of unmatched socks this big!
Five ways you can save the planet by not getting things done.
And finally,
This man's wife nearly killed him when he was late for dinner…thanks to a Facebook post!
* Shewchuk wasn't the only contributor, only the most prolific. A few other favorites …
From a Paula Symons: "Middle-aged woman opens cupboard, only to realize she is out of wine. Find out how long she sobbed."
A Joan Killeen offered this one: "She was getting ready for her blind date set up by her best friend. The wine was chilled, her legs waxed and spray tanned."
Shel Holtz inspired himself: "This woman asked her husband how he liked her manicure. What he said will change your life."
And here's one more, from Kate Zimmerman (Shewchuk's wife, a humor writer and the funny one in the family): "This female librarian shook out her bun and took off her glasses in front of a group of construction workers. What happens next will blow your mind."
You won’t believe how much I laughed over these.