In this space, I've written a fair amount about the International Association of Business Communicators.
An asinine amount, now that I really look at it.
Just in the last year:
I questioned the way they handled their leadership transition.
I interviewed the new leaders and shared their plans with you.
I described the new executive director Chris Sorek as "a good, smart, in-touch guy," but I doubted whether his big plans for the association were realistic, or even necessary.
I reported the "breaking news" of IABC's layoff, in late November, of half its headquarters staff. And then I reported on it again.
I covered a conference call IABC leaders held inDecember to field questions from angry and confused members.
With the help of a mole, I shared and intepreted a February town hall meeting where IABC chapter leaders got to question executive director Sorek and chairman Kerby Meyers.
And I impuned Chris Sorek's instincts as a communicator, wondering why a "good, smart, in-touch guy" would not reach out to his predecessors or other influential IABCers before he embarked on wholesale change at the association.
Nine posts, most of them lengthy, on IABC? Is this association really that important to the workaday corporate communication pro? And are its troubles all that important to its members? I don't have the wherewithall to find out. Ragan Communications, luckily, does. And they've issued a survey to try to get a quantitative sense of what the "change in leadership" at the association "means to members and nonmembers."
I hope all Writing Boots readers take the survey. Though it takes only a couple of minutes to complete, the Ragan people tell me the survey will take a few weeks to compile.
But as soon as it's available, you know damn well I'll report and comment on it here.
Because that's just how I roll.
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