Facebook has been part of our lives since before the 2008 election, through the economic crisis, the Haiti earthquake, the fall of Egypt's dictator. I've seen people use Facebook to expresss their political outrage and their personal grief. But I've never seen any uprising there like what's happening with this Komen Foundation/Planned Parenthood fiasco.
"If you are disgusted by the Komen Foundation's withdrawal of funding to Planned Parenthood, please spread my link below," communication consultant Allan Jenkins wrote this morning. " If you are against Planned Parenthoood, please unfriend me. I didn't like you to start with, so no worries."
Jenkins' sentiment is as prevalent as it is pungent.
Which side am I on on this which-side-are-you-on issue? Like many, I imagine, I'm too desperately busy at the moment to sift through the policy murk that Komer defenders insist surrounds this issue. So I'm sticking with Jenkins here—and just about everybody else I know and love—because I love my friends.
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