Unique Sales Stories: How to Persuade Others Through the Power of Stories is the title of a new book by a marketing consultant named Mark Satterfield.
Isn't Mark Satterfield pleasing to look at? I'll bet he would be fun to interview.
I would ask him: Are there not already enough books in the world about "the power of stories"?
The press release quotes a review of the book in which a Larry Hart points out that "stories go back in history, for hundreds of years …."
Yes, folks, hundreds!
But stories probably only go back to the Gutenberg press, right? Because before people had books to show them how to tell "sales stories," they did not have the foggiest idea how to persuade one another.
That was a simpler, happier time, when people mostly left each other alone. Or beat each other over the head with clubs.
One of the interesting things Terry Jones et al hammer home in Who Murdered Chaucer is the popularity of reading aloud.