Just got this little smarmbomb in an e-mail from Scout's old Montessori preschool, the one that cost us a thousand bucks a month:
Peace is the world smiling,
Peace is a gentle dove.
Peace is caring,
Peace is sharing.
Peace is filling the world with love.
Christ almighty.
These assclowns were always going on about peace. (You would too if you were pulling down that kind of dough.)
I remember once the school had a "peace parade" around the block, and as the befuddled little dears trooped past a faux-slutty dance-fitness place called Flirty Girls, I couldn't help myself. I pointed to the three-year-olds and yelled so all the parents could hear, "Future flirty girls!"
Everyone scowled at me, and then averted their eyes.
Thank God we got out of that mess.
If you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of the bitter.
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Writing Boots: Flirty girls for peace