A friend of mine subscribes to a John McCain mailing list. This afternoon he received something, ostensibly from Cindy McCain, that I'd like to see anyone try to defend as anything other than the most disingenuous claptrap imaginable.
SUBJECT LINE: Wish John a Happy Birthday
Dear Friend,
With John working so hard in Washington and spending countless hours campaigning throughout Arizona, I know that he's not paying much attention to the fact that he has a birthday coming up just days after the primary election.
Today, I am writing to request your help. John's birthday is on August 29th, and I very much want you and many of his other loyal friends and supporters to be part of the celebration.
In recent years, I have seen how much it means to John to receive personal birthday wishes from friends like you in Arizona and across the country and I hope that this year will be no different. In fact I hope you will help make this one of his best birthdays ever.
That is why I am asking you to write your personal birthday message to John by following this link today so I can be sure it is included in the special Birthday Album we will present to him.
With this being the toughest reelection John has ever faced, one of the best gifts we can give him is a victory in the Republican primary. That is why I hope you will also consider making a generous contribution of $25, $50, $100 or any other amount up to the $2,400 limit.
As you know, John has been traveling to every corner of Arizona to remind voters how he shares their solid conservative values and how important it is that he remain in the U.S. Senate to fight the dangerous policies of the Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress who are taking our country in the wrong direction.
John never hesitates to step into the forefront when fighting to solve our nation's most critical issues – especially if he feels that a certain policy is harmful or misguided. Service to his country has always been a driving force in his life – and Arizona and America have greatly benefited from the dedication he brings to his job.
I hope you agree that the U.S. Senate very much needs John's leadership during these difficult times where our nation's economy, security, liberties and values are greatly endangered. In today's volatile politics, no one can take anything for granted. To win re-election, John continues to need your help.
So please follow this link to sign John's Birthday Card with your special message and at the same time if at all possible, make a contribution of $25, $50 or perhaps even $100 to ensure John will have the funds he needs to fight back against those who want to defeat him.
John's life has been filled with many rewards but quite honestly a personal message from you and other loyal friends is one of the best birthday gifts we can give him. Your support has brought him this far in life and it will be your continued help that will enable him to remain in the job he so dearly loves.
Thank you again for all you do for John and for being a part of our extended family.
Cindy McCain
Is this a window into a desperate campaign, or into an "extended family" so naive that it actually goes for this sort of stuff? I can't believe it's the latter, but I've been wrong before.
I’m inspired. I think I’m going to try this for my 40th next year. We’ll send out an email from my lovely wife inviting friends, family, twitter followers and anybody else to wish me a happy birthday. Then it will be followed with a gentle reminder of how much I contribute to the world and, not having been seriously ill or incarcerated, how little of a burden I’ve been so far on society. But imagine how much more I could contribute, friends, if I was a little better rested and had a broader world view. Therefore, donations are welcome to help send me for a month long retreat to a private island in the Caribbean.
That is how it’s done Stateside, my brotha from anotha motha! (How do you think I financed that motorcycle trip last summer?)
Geez, Dave, I didn’t realize that you had put out a plea for sponsorship on that motorcycle trip. How dense am I?
That’s the problem with being Canadian, eh. We’re too damn polite for our own good sometimes. I need a dash more of the rugged individualism.
Poor John.
Does anyone recall when Senator McCain was the maverick of the Senate, the darling of media? When he crossed party lines on immigration issues and partnered with liberals on the other side of the aisle?
He was a hero to me back then, perhaps the only GOP candidate I ever considered supporting. Today he spends his days bowing and scarping to Tea Party extremists, and doing everything he can to embrace the Destroy Obama agenda of the party he once stood up to.
Thanks for reminding me of this, Dave. The letter may be the most cynical attempt at winning at any cost. I wonder how he feels when he looks back those days of bi-partisan leadership in the Senate.
I fear his current extremist positions will forever wipe out the memory of the John McCain we all once respected.
Mark Ragan
I received nearly the same e-mail on Obama’s birthday from Michelle.
Let’s see it, Dahlia.
Steve Crescenzo forwards me an article that suggests this John McCain birthday gambit isn’t original–that Michelle Obama sent something similar earlier in the summer.
Though the Obama letter doesn’t appear in full, and I can’t confirm that she asks for money, it does appear this foolishness is happening on both sides of the aisle.
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Writing Boots: I think John McCain is in trouble, in every way imaginable